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Abstract #1827

Estimation of a novel set of intra and extracellular diffusivity parameters from modern DW-MRI

Mario Ocampo-Pineda1, Alessandro Daducci2,3,4, and Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares1

1Computer Science, Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2Computer Science Department, University of Verona, Italy, 3University Hospital Center (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland, 4Signal Processing Lab (LTS5), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

We present a novel framework to estimate on in-vivo data a) independent intra and extracellular axial-diffusivities, b) extracellular radial-diffusivity, c) non-parametric bundle dispersion, d) axonal diameter indexes, and e) intracellular volume fractions. Our methodology does not fix a priori the value of any of these parameters or uses tortuosity models on the extracellular radial diffusivity. The proposal is an extension of the ED^3 method, which provided the best solution on the signal prediction on the White Matter Modelling Challenge 2015. We perform a comprehensive set of synthetic experiments under realistic conditions to validate the capabilities of the proposal.

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