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Abstract #2821

Evaluation of Pediatric Tracheobronchial Anomalies with congenital heart disease using Three-dimensional Turbo Field Echo Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sequence

Yu-min Zhong1, Ai-min Sun1, Qian Wang1, Li-Wei Hu1, Shi-Yu Wang1, Qiao-Ru Hou1, and Min Zhu1

1Radiology, Shanghai Children’s Medical Center affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University school of medicine, Shanghai, People's Republic of China

Tracheobronchial anomalies are common in congenital heart disease (CHD). Cardiovascular anomaly is the principal extrinsic lesion causing tracheobronchial stenosis. MSCT remains an ionizing procedure even though can demonstrate tracheobronchial tree clearly. MRI has the advantage of being non-ionizing and providing excellent soft tissue contrast for the diagnosis of CHD and tracheobronchial anomalies. Spin echo (SE) sequence can demonstrate the tracheobronchial tree but this typically a 2D sequence and therefore difficult to depict the entire tracheobronchial tree optimally. Three-dimensional turbo field echo (3D-TFE) can delineate the entire tracheobronchial tree clearly through post-processing.

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