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Abstract #4020

A Two-Dimensional Spiral Turbo-Spin-Echo Technique with T2-delay Correction and Concomitant Phase Compensation

Zhiqiang Li1, Dinghui Wang1, Ryan K Robison1, John P Karis2, and James G Pipe1

1Imaging Research, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 2Neuroradiology, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Turbo spin-echo (TSE) is a rapid technique routinely used for T2 and FLAIR imaging. Two-dimensional spiral TSE is very challenging due to T2 signal decay. In this project we develop a 2D spiral TSE sequence employing a spiral-in/out readout for efficient acquisition without off-resonance phase errors, and a double encoding mechanism as well as signal demodulation to minimize T2 signal decay induced artifacts. A concomitant phase compensation technique is incorporated to mitigate the violation of the CPMG condition. Preliminary spiral TSE FLAIR results demonstrate comparable image quality to its Cartesian counterpart.

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