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Abstract #4852

MR- and optical-based multimodal and multiscale protocol for mice colorectal diseases diagnosis

Hugo Dorez1, Raphaël Sablong1, Hélène Ratiney1, Laurence Canaple2, Hervé Saint-Jalmes3, Sophie Gaillard1, Driffa Moussata1,4, and Olivier Beuf1

1Univ Lyon, INSA‐Lyon, Université Lyon 1, UJM-Saint Etienne, CNRS, Inserm, CREATIS UMR 5220, U1206, Lyon, France, 2Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon, Université de Lyon 1, UMR 5242 CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France, 3LTSI; INSERM U642; Université Rennes 1, Rennes, France, 4Hôpital Régional Universitaire de Tours - Service hépato-gastroentérologie, Tours, France

A multimodal and multiscale protocol was defined for the diagnosis of mice colorectal diseases. Based on endoluminal MRI, using dedicated endorectal coils, and optical modalities the protocol was assessed on a mouse model of colorectal cancer for a six-month period. Optical modalities were used for microscopic characterization of the surface of the colon wall where endoluminal MRI was used for in-depth macroscopic characterization and staging of lesions from inflammation to cancer. The protocol was then used to support in vivo MRS signal analysis that was used to assess the biochemical content of various anatomical structures (colon wall, visceral fat…).

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protocolcolonin vivomodalitieslesionsopticalcharacterizationmicespectrawallbiochemicalcancermodelmousestagevisceralcharacterizededicateddiagnosis