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Abstract #5020

Compressed Sensing 3D GRASE for Faster PD-weighted Knee Imaging

Alexandra Cristobal-Huerta1, Dirk Poot1, Mika Vogel2, and Juan Antonio Hernandez-Tamames1

1Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2GE Healthcare B.V., Hoevelaken, Netherlands

Accelerated 3D-FSE using Compressed Sensing (CS) with a 30% scanning time reduction has been recently introduced and evaluated for knee MR images. 3D-GRASE is a hybrid FSE-EPI sequence that can achieve higher time-efficiency scans, since it acquires more k-space data per refocusing pulse. The purpose of this work is to present CS 3D-GRASE to achieve even faster musculoskeletal MRI acquisitions.

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