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Abstract #0456

Dilated Pulmonary Arteries and Wall Shear Stress in Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot.

Han-Jung Liao1, Jung-Hsiu Liu1, Ming-Ting Wu2, Ken-Pen Wang2,3, Mao-Yuan Su4, and Hsu-Hsia Peng1

1National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, 4National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

We aimed to investigate the impact of pulmonary area on wall shear stress (WSS) and oscillatory shear index (OSI) to explore the altered vascular characteristics in patients repaired tetralogy of Fallot (rTOF). rTOF patients with pulmonary dilatation presented decreased axial WSS and increased axial OSI. The correlations between pulmonary area and axial WSS and OSI were missing in rTOF patients, depicting the abnormal endothelial regulation function in response to axial WSS and OSI. In conclusion, the correlation analyses between pulmonary area, axial WSS and OSI might provide helpful information in investigating the altered vascular characteristics in patients with rTOF.

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