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Abstract #4101

Dynamic 3D lung MRI using the stack-of-stars sequence with SI navigation

Shuo Li1, Xi Chen1, Kang Yan1, Xudong Chen1, Xiaomao Gong2, Jian Xu2, Qi Liu2, Quan Chen1, Huajun She1, and Yiping P. Du1

1Institute for Medical Imaging Technology, School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 2Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Company, Ltd., Shanghai, China

Lung MRI has great potential in clinical early lung cancer screening and staging as it has a high detection rate for pulmonary nodules measuring. However, conventional lung MRI was limited by the physiological motion including respiration and heart beating. In this study, a free-breathing 3D golden-angle radial stack-of-stars pulse sequence with superior-inferior (SI) navigation was proposed for 3D dynamic lung MRI. Lung images in different respiratory stages were obtained. The proposed method provided higher SNR, CNR (between pulmonary vessels and the neighboring background in lung) and fewer motion artifacts than that without SI navigation.

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