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Abstract #2189

Outer volume suppressed 3D-encoded DENSE MRI for quantifying biventricular myocardial strain during a breath-hold

Eric D Carruth1, Samuel W Fielden1, Christopher D Nevius1, Brandon K Fornwalt1, and Christopher M Haggerty1
1Geisinger, Danville, PA, United States

Myocardial strain is a highly sensitive measure of heart function, but techniques to measure strain, such as displacement-encoded (DENSE) MRI, typically focus on the left ventricle, despite known clinical importance of right ventricle mechanics. The high resolution required to measure right ventricular strains is possible using navigator-based approaches; however, these are time-consuming and impractical for broad use. DENSE with outer volume suppression has been applied during a breath hold in the left ventricle, and may also enable resolving the right ventricle. We implemented DENSE with outer volume suppression and achieved similar 3D biventricular strain measurements compared to a navigator-based acquisition.

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