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Abstract #4282

Design and comparison of the RF systems for frequency encoding by nonlinear Bloch-Siegert shift at low field MRI

Yonghyun Ha1, Kartiga Selvaganesan1, Baosong Wu1, Charles Rogers III1, Sajad Hosseinnezhadian1, Gigi Galiana1, and R. Todd Constable1
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States

To achieve frequency encoding using Bloch-Siegert shift, the off-resonance pulse and signal reception would need to take place simultaneously. In this work we describe two methods to get rid of applied off-resonance signal from the receive signal. Both Tx cancelling and RF filter methods can be integrated into the RF chain to reduce the power of the off-resonance signal. It was found that using an RF filter was more effective for both blocking off-resonance signal and keeping receive signal. It was also demonstrated that the combination of two methods is promising in terms of reducing the off-resonance signal.

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