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Abstract #1580

A Comparative Study Highlighting a Novel UHF MRI Volume Body Coil Design

Sayim Gokyar1, Henning U. Voss1, Victor Taracila2, Fraser J. L. Robb2, Douglas J. Ballon1, and Simone Angela Winkler1
1Radiology, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2General Electric Healthcare, Aurora, OH, United States

We designed a novel 2D cylindrical high-pass ladder (c-HPL) volume body coil by adding a second dimension in S-I direction to the 1D birdcage concept, given that the latter fails at 7T body dimensions. We compared its performance to the (non-functional) 1D birdcage and transverse electromagnetic (TEM) designs. In silico results showed improved B1 homogeneity (inhomogeneity of 15.9%) with lower specific absorption rate (SAR) and better SAR efficiency (0.743 μT/W∙√kg). The proposed architecture is a promising candidate for UHF MRI applications where the current lack of a built-in body coil hinders the modality from gaining full clinical acceptance/approval.

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