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Abstract #2278

Quantifying Fetal and Maternal Body Composition Using 3-D Stack-Of-Radial Free-Breathing MRI

Katie M Strobel1, Sevgi Gokce Kafali2, Shu-Fu Shih2, Rinat Masamed2, Kara Calkins1, and Holden Wu2
1Pediatrics, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Radiological Sciences, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This pilot prospective cohort study investigated fetal and maternal body composition in the third trimester of pregnancy using 3D stack-of-radial free-breathing MRI. Nine women with healthy pregnancies, gestational diabetes, or fetal growth restriction were included. Fetal subcutaneous fat and liver fat, as well as maternal liver fat, subcutaneous fat, and visceral fat were successfully measured. Maternal body composition was associated with fetal body composition. Pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes appear to alter fetal body composition.

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