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Abstract #3117

Inhomogeneity and ramping effects in field-cycled quantitative molecular MRI

Matthew A. McCready1, William B. Handler1, Francisco Martinez2,3, Timothy J. Scholl2,3, and Blaine A. Chronik1,2
1Physics and Astronomy, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 2Medical Biophysics, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 3Robarts Research Institute, Western University, London, ON, Canada

Delta relaxation enhanced magnetic resonance (dreMR) is a field-shifting quantitative molecular imaging method. The dreMR method may be used to produce images with signal proportional to concentration of contrast agents with longitudinal relaxivity dispersion. Here we find that field inhomogeneities and ramping periods, which were previously ignored, cause significant errors in dreMR images. These errors include apparent non-zero signal from dispersion-free tissue, and apparent change in signal due to contrast agents. We show that these effects can be mitigated by use of an improved homogeneity design method, and increased slew rates.

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