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Abstract #3188

A comparative study of R2*, UTE-T2* and T1rho mapping for evaluation of degenerative alterations in human intervertebral discs

LiLan Wu1, JianJun Zhou2, and Pu-Yeh Wu3
1Department of Radiology, Fudan University Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital Xiamen Branch, Xiamen, China, 2Department of Radiology, Fudan University Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai, China, 3GE Healthcare, Beijing, China

This study aims to investigate whether human lumbar IDD can be detected using R2*, UTE-T2* and T1rho mapping. We systematically compared the efficacy of R2*, UTE-T2* and T1rho values in the diagnosis of early IDD. Specifically, we found that T1rho value is superior to UTE-T2* and R2* values for diagnosis of the early IVD, while UTE-T2* value is optimal for diagnosis of advanced IVD. Overall, we concluded that R2* and UTE-T2* mapping provides another promising method for quantitatively evaluated lumbar IDD, and T1rho mapping can be considered an effective tool for distinguishing IDD at earlier stage of the degenerative process

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