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Abstract #3553

Application of Voxel Spread Function Method for Correction of Magnetic Field Inhomogeneity at 7T

seyedeh nasim adnani1, Thomas Denney Jr.1, Alexander Sukstansky2, Dmitriy Yablonskiy2, and adil bashir1
1electrical and computer engineering, auburn university, auburn, AL, United States, 2radiology, Washington university school of medicine in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States

Imaging in ultra-high field (7T and above) has pros and cons as compared with 3T. The pros are increases in SNR and frequency shifts that helps in separating the available biophysical compartments in the brain. Con is the increased effect of magnetic field inhomogeneity on T2* that renders the quantification unreliable. Therefore, the field correction methods are critical for ultra-high field quantitative T2* mapping. We have demonstrated the application of Voxel Spread Method, a post-processing technique, to addresses this issue at 7T. F-term correction significantly reduces magnetic field inhomogeneity effects for quantitative T2* mapping.

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