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Abstract #4194

Contrast enhancement of a magnetization prepared steady state sequence: an optimal control framework  

Benoît Vernier1,2, Eric Van Reeth1,3, Frank Pilleul1,4, Olivier Beuf1, and Hélène Ratiney1
1CREATIS, Université de Lyon, INSA Lyon, UCBL Lyon 1, UJM Saint Etienne, Unité CNRS UMR 5220, INSERM U1206, F69621, Lyon, France, 2Siemens Healthineers, Saint-Denis, France, 3CPE, Lyon, France, 4Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France

Optimal control in MRI has demonstrated its potential in the design of magnetization preparation in order to enhance relaxation based contrast. However, previous studies require full magnetization recovery between each TR, which induces long acquisition times and restricts its use to specific sequences. Here, a generic optimal control framework that considers a longitudinal steady state is introduced, and applied to a MP-RAGE sequence. In vitro and in vivo (rat brain) experiments validate the improvement of the contrast-to-noise ratio per unit of time when compared with an inversion-recovery preparation.

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