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Abstract #2001

Design of a Miniaturized High Impedance Preamplifier for 7T MRI

Saadou Almokdad1, Paul-François Gapais1,2, Michel Luong3, Alexis Amadon1, Elodie Georget2, and Eric GIACOMINI 1
1CEA Saclay/DRF/JOLIOT/NEUROSPIN/BAOBAB/METRIC, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2Multiwave Imaging SAS, Marseille, France, 3CEA Saclay/DRF/IRFU/DACM//LISAH, Gif-sur-Yvette, France


Coil arrays enhance human body performance for an MRI measurement both in speed and signal-to-noise ratio. However, size and cabling of such arrays can deteriorate the performance of the imaging, or put at risk the safety of the patient. A miniaturized preamplifier is proposed (dimensions 24mm x 11mm), to be placed directly onto the receive coil. The design needs to preserve a good performance (noise figure ≤ 1dB, gain ≈ 28dB), and provide high impedance to minimize the coupling to nearby coils.

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