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Abstract #5047

In Scan Room No-Interference High Efficiency Switching Power Supply with GaN

Juan A Sabate1, Logan A Snow1, Huan A Hu1, and Randy Buchwald2
1GE Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 2MR-Eng-Systems, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States


A switching regulator implemented with GaN power semiconductors and air core inductors was shown not to create any noise that affected the scanner imaging. This was due to the selected switching frequency of 2.489MHz, which avoided harmonics at imaging frequencies of interest. The switching regulator size and thermal management at 90% does not require any additional support systems in the scan room. This demonstrates that GaN-based switching regulators can be a good solution to regulate voltages in the scan room and also significantly reduce the cabling and simplify installation.

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