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Abstract #0017

Exploring glucose metabolic impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease with DMI using [6,6′-2H2]-D-glucose and [2,2’-2H2]-deoxy-D-glucose at 14.1T

Xiao Gao1, Jeremy Gordon2, Kai Qiao2, Hecong Qin2, David Wilson2, and Myriam M Chaumeil2
1Physical Therapy, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States


Keywords: Deuterium, Alzheimer's Disease

We performed a deuterium metabolic imaging (DMI) investigation of two deuterated probes with different metabolic properties: 1) the glucose analog [2,2’-2H2]-deoxy-D-glucose ([2H2]2DG) which gets intracellularly trapped after being phosphorylated by hexokinase; and 2) [6,6′-2H2]-D-glucose ([2H2]Glc) which undergoes full oxidative catabolism. We tested their potential to detect metabolic impairment in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Our results demonstrated that the accumulation / metabolism of these two glucose derivatives can be detected dynamically in the mouse brain, and that DMI can detect disrupted glucose metabolism in an AD model.

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