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Abstract #0226

The Influence of b value and Resolution on MR Tractography and Connectome Construction in Adult Mouse Brain at 16.4 Tesla

Majd Alkhalily1, Laura Currey2, Michael Piper2, and Nyoman D Kurniawan1
1Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 2The School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia


Keywords: Brain Connectivity, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques, Tractography

Several pipelines are available to quantify mouse brain connectome using diffusion-tractography. However, data acquisition and processing methods used a wide range of parameters. In this study, ex-vivo adult mouse brains were scanned using a range of b values, and spatial and angular resolutions at 16.4 T. iFOD2 were used for fibertracking to generate the connectomes. Network analysis revealed increased nodal degree and reduced connectivity at 75 μm and this change increases at higher b value. Comparison with Allen mouse brain atlas showed consistent connectome profiles were achieved by acquiring diffusion with b=5000 s/mm2 at 100 μm resolution and 30 directions.

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