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Abstract #0537

Spiral Fast Spin Echo MRI with Interleaved Diffusion Sensitization for Simultaneous ADC and T2 Mapping

Lars Bielak1,2, Jürgen Hennig1, Thomas Lottner1, and Michael Bock1,2
1Dept.of Radiology, Medical Physics, Medical Center University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Partner Site Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany


Keywords: Pulse Sequence Design, Multi-Contrast

A sequence design is presented based on spiral fast spin echo acquisition with interleaved diffusion sensitization for simultaneous ADC and T2 mapping. With spiral readout trajectories only few echoes need to be acquired per (TE,b) pair allowing to accelerate the acquisition significantly. A phantom experiment with single echo per k-space is shown for T2 and ADC mapping. With a model-based reconstruction both parameter maps can be rapidly reconstructed.

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