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Abstract #0540

Benchmarking common and advanced non-Cartesian trajectories with high acceleration and static off-resonance effects

Guillaume Daval-Frérot1,2,3, Chaithya G R2,3, Fernanda Ponce2,3, Aurélien Massire1, Boris Mailhe4, Mariappan Nadar4, Alexandre Vignaud2, and Philippe Ciuciu2,3
1Siemens Healthineers, Saint-Denis, France, 2CEA, NeuroSpin, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 3Inria, MIND, Palaiseau, France, 4Digital Technology & Innovation, Siemens Healthineers, Princeton, NJ, United States


Keywords: Data Acquisition, Data Acquisition, Non-Cartesian; SPARKLINGNon-Cartesian sampling patterns allow for highly accelerated MRI exams at the cost of exacerbated and more complex artifacts, each impacting image quality in unique ways. Patient-induced B0 field inhomogeneities can notably cause distortions and blurring, but some trajectories are by design more robust to them. We propose to retrospectively benchmark 16 different non-Cartesian sampling patterns with high acceleration factor (AF=20) and realistic off-resonance artifacts over 9 volumes acquired at 3T with 0.6 mm isotropic spatial resolution. SPARKLING and spiral-based trajectories achieve higher image quality scores, but only the former shows robustness to off-resonance effects through the MORE-SPARKLING extension.

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