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Abstract #0541

Mesoscale distortion-free in-vivo dMRI at 7T using ROtating-view Motion-robust supEr Resolution EPTI (Romer-EPTI)

Zijing Dong1,2, Jonathan R. Polimeni1,2,3, Lawrence L. Wald1,2,3, and Fuyixue Wang1,2
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States, 3Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology, MIT, Cambridge, MA, United States


Keywords: Data Acquisition, BrainPushing the spatial resolution of diffusion MRI to mesoscale is technically challenging due to the low SNR efficiency and severe image artifacts. Last year, we presented a novel ROtating-view Motion-robust supEr Resolution Echo Planar Time-resolved Imaging method (Romer-EPTI), providing significant gains (~3.5×) in SNR efficiency and high-quality images free from distortion with minimized motion artifacts. In this work, we further developed Romer-EPTI at 7T for in-vivo mesoscale dMRI. By exploiting the higher signal of 7T and the short-TE, high-SNR, distortion-free acquisition provided by Romer-EPTI, mesoscale whole-brain dMRI at an unprecedented 485-μm isotropic resolution was acquired.

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