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Abstract #0600

Impacts of bone on the worst-case configuration for orthopedic implants under 1.5T and 3T MRI

xiaolin Yang1, Jianfeng Zheng1, Ran Guo1, Wolfgang Kainz2, and Ji Chen1
1Univ of Houston, Houston, TX, United States, 2HPC for MRI Safety, Jasper, GA, United States


Keywords: Safety, Bone Due to the differences in both electrical and thermal properties, the RF-induced heating from implantable devices under MRI can have different behaviors inside muscle-like tissue and bone. A locally modified ASTM phantom with bone tissue was developed in the study. Simulations were used in the study to determine the worst-case heating configurations in the original and the modified ASTM phantoms. Based on our study, it was observed that the worst-case heating configuration can be altered when the devices are implanted in/near bone tissues. Consequently, additional in-vivo modeling would be required to understand the clinically relevant RF-induced heating.

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