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Abstract #0669

Golden-angle radial automated phase-cycled bSSFP for fat-water decomposition with SPARCQ: validation in a custom phantom and in vivo

Adèle L.C. Mackowiak1,2,3, Jérôme Yerly1,4, Katarzyna Pierzchala5, Eva S. Peper2,3, Giulia M.C. Rossi1, and Jessica A.M. Bastiaansen2,3
1Department of Radiology, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department of Diagnostic, Interventional and Pediatric Radiology (DIPR), University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 3Translational Imaging Center (TIC), Swiss Institute for Translational and Entrepreneurial Medicine, Bern, Switzerland, 4Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Lausanne, Switzerland, 5Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic Imaging, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland


Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Fat, phase-cycled bSSFP, fat fraction mapping, radialThe Signal Profiles Asymmetries for Robust multi-Compartment Quantification (SPARCQ) framework uses the off-resonance information encoded in phase-cycled bSSFP (PC-bSSFP) data to estimate fat fraction (FF). In order to strengthen previous validation work as well as open the range of applicability of the technique, in this work a 2D radial bSSFP sequence with integrated automated phase-cycling was designed and the accuracy of SPARCQ was tested in vitro on a larger FF range than previously reported. Comparisons to reference methods and sampling schemes indicate that the proposed automated 2D radial sampling scheme allows accurate FF mapping with SPARCQ while improving scan efficiency.

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