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Abstract #0818

Automated Processing and Segmentation of Abdominal Structures Using a Hybrid Attention-Convolutional Neural Network Model

Nicolas Basty1, Ramprakash Srinivasan2, Marjola Thanaj1, Elena P Sorokin2, Madeleine Cule2, E Louise Thomas1, Jimmy D Bell1, and Brandon Whitcher1
1University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom, 2Calico Life Sciences LLC, South San Francisco, CA, United States


Keywords: Data Analysis, Body, Deep learning, DixonAutomated image processing and organ segmentation are critical to the quantitative analysis of population-scale imaging studies. We have implemented an end-to-end pipeline for neck-to-knee Dixon MRI data based on the UK Biobank abdominal protocol. Bias-field correction, blending across series boundaries, and fat-water swap correction are performed in the preprocessing steps. A hybrid attention-convolutional neural network model segments multiple abdominal organs, major bones, along with adipose and muscle tissue. The application of neural network models, to both swap detection and segmentation, produces a computationally-efficient pipeline that scales to accommodate tens of thousands of datasets.

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