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Abstract #0867

Navigator-free water/fat separation for multi-shot diffusion-weighted EPI using structured low-rank reconstruction

Yiming Dong1, Kirsten Koolstra2, Ziyu Li3, Matthias J.P. van Osch1, and Peter Börnert1,4
1C.J. Gorter MRI Center, Department of Radiology, LUMC, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Philips, Best, Netherlands, 3Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, FMRIB, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany


Keywords: Image Reconstruction, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniquesMulti-shot EPI readout-approaches provide high spatial resolution at reduced geometric distortions and improved SNR in diffusion weighted imaging (DWI). As a specific challenge, physiological motion induces shot-to-shot phase variations and needs specific handling, e.g., using additionally measured phase navigators, data-driven phase estimation and/or low-rank regularizations. Furthermore, good fat-suppression is also needed in DWI, making the use of chemical-shift encoding interesting. In this work, a structured low-rank-based water/fat separation pipeline is proposed to jointly estimate water/fat images while correcting motion-induced phase variations with improved time efficiency. In-vivo examples from different anatomies demonstrate improved water/fat separation compared to conventional approaches.

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