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Abstract #1229

Unipolar design of head gradients for eliminating the encoding ambiguity

Markus Weiger1, Johan Overweg2, Franciszek Hennel1, Emily Louise Baadsvik1, Samuel Bianchi1, Oskar Björkqvist1, Roger Luechinger1, Jens Metzger3, Eric Michael1, Andreas Port1, Christoph Schildknecht1, Schmid Thomas1, Urs Sturzenegger4, Gerrit Vissers5, Jos Koonen5, Wout Schuth6, Jeroen Koeleman6, Martino Borgo6, and Klaas Paul Pruessmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Philips GmbH Innovative Technologies, Hamburg, Germany, 3Institute for Energy and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 4Philips AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 5Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands, 6Futura Composites BV, Heerhugowaard, Netherlands


Keywords: Gradients, High-Field MRI, AmbiguityGradients with a conventional, bipolar design generally face a trade-off between performance, encoding ambiguity, and circumventing the latter by means of RF selectivity. This problem is particularly limiting in cutting-edge brain imaging performed at field strengths ≥ 7T and using high-performance head gradients. To address this issue, the present work proposes to fundamentally eliminate the encoding ambiguity in head gradients by using a unipolar z-gradient design that takes advantage of the signal-free range on one side of the imaging volume. This concept is demonstrated by design of a unipolar high-performance head gradient and simulated 7T imaging with such a system.

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