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Abstract #1307

Normative trajectories of quantitative MRI parameters in sub-cortical grey matter on healthy ageing

Kwok-Shing Chan1,2, Michelle G. Jansen1, Joukje Oosterman1, David G. Norris1,3,4, Christian F. Beckmann1,2, and José P. Marques1
1Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 3The Erwin L. Hahn Institute, Essen, Germany, 4University of Twente, Twente, Netherlands


Keywords: Neurodegeneration, Aging

The effects of ageing on quantitative MRI, including R1, R2* and tissue susceptibility, are investigated in subcortical grey matter using a healthy cohort. General Linear Regression analysis indicates that ageing has significant impacts on these quantitative measures: the mean R1 has inverted U-shape appearances with time, while the mean R2* and susceptibility are closer to linear. We further studied the spatial variation in these structures and the results show that the spatial gradient of some structures (e.g. caudate and putamen) also changes with age. Normative trajectories of these parameters in subcortical grey matter associated with ageing are also investigated.

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