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Abstract #1441

Differentiation between myelodysplastic syndrome and aplastic anemia using transfer learning of vision transformer

Miyuki Takasu1, Yasutaka Baba2, Konagi Takeda1, Saki Kawai1, Hiroaki Sakane1, Nobuko Tanitame1, Akihisa Tamura1, Makoto Iida1, and Kazuo Awai3
1Diagnostic Radiology, Hiroshima City Hiroshima Citizens Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan, 2Diagnostic Radiology, International Medical Center, Saitama Medical University, Hidaka, Japan, 3Hiroshima University Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan


Keywords: Bone, Machine Learning/Artificial IntelligenceWe examined the use of a vision transformer (ViT)-based deep learning model for the task of differentiation between aplastic anemia and myelodysplastic syndrome using lumbar T1-weighted images. Three sagittal images per patient were obtained and made square using zero-padding and were resized (224 × 224). The overall accuracy and area under the curve of the pre-trained ViT model were higher than those of ViT without pre-training, ResNet-110, and BinaryNet at the optimum hyperparameters. We utilized Grad-CAM images to highlight the information that is important for decision-making. ViT combined with Grad-CAM successfully recognized variability in the distribution of bone marrow components.

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