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Abstract #1635

Preliminary investigation of a rapid proxy measure of T2* in cartilage using a double echo uTE

Aditya K Subramanian1,2, Lauren Watkins2, Garry G Gold2, Feliks Kogan2, and Marco Barbieri2
1UC-Berkeley, BERKELEY, CA, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States


Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Quantitative ImagingUltrashort echo time (uTE) T2* mapping of articular cartilage is sensitive to changes in components of cartilage with short T2* such as water bound to proteoglycans and collagen. T2* mapping requires acquiring multiple echoes and fitting the signal intensities to a monoexponential decay model to estimate a single T2*. We propose a ratio based proxy for T2*, the Free Water Index (FWI). Our exploratory study showed high correlations between the index and T2* in vivo, supporting the potential for our index to reduce scan time while retaining information from T2*.

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