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Abstract #1657

The importance of multi-reader assessment for external validation of prostate lesion classification models using quantitative mpMRI.

Tom Syer1, Nikolaos Dikaios2, Thomas Parry3, Giorgio Brembilla3, Mrishta Brizmohun3, Saurabh Singh4, Susan Heavey5, Hayley Pye6, Hayley Whitaker5, Sue Mallett3, David Atkinson3, and Shonit Punwani3
1Centre for Medical Imaging, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Mathematics Research Center, Academy of Athens, Athen, Greece, 3Centre for Medical Imaging, Univeristy College London, London, United Kingdom, 4Radiology, Univeristy College London Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 5Department of Targeted Intervention, Univeristy College London, London, United Kingdom, 6National Pathology Imaging Co-operative, Leeds, United Kingdom


Keywords: Prostate, Machine Learning/Artificial IntelligenceMachine learning for classifying prostate mpMRI lesions may help reduce unnecessary biopsies. However, external validation with multiple scanners and readers is required before the clinical adoption of such models can be considered. Two readers validated a previously published and well-performing logistic regression model on an external cohort. The model performance was not generalisable and offered no advantage to using PSAd cut-offs, and there was marked variation in model score related to contour differences from different readers. This potential variability should be investigated in future models which use quantitative MRI.

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