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Abstract #1781

An MRI protocol for RT planning: preliminary results for distortion, contrast and bulk density assignment

Laura Sayaque1, Benjamin Leporq1, Chloé Miran2, Olivier Hamelin3, Frank Pilleul1,3, Vincent Gregoire2, and Olivier Beuf1
1Univ Lyon, INSA‐Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, UJM-Saint Etienne, CNRS, Inserm, CREATIS UMR 5220, U1294, F‐69100, Lyon, France, 2CRLCC Léon Bérard – Département de Radiothérapie, Lyon, France, 3CRLCC Léon Bérard – Département de Radiologie, Lyon, France


Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Head & Neck/ENT, MultimodalThe excellent contrast between soft tissues in MRI is of great interest for head and neck radiotherapy planning. This work presents an in vivo study aiming to evaluate a multimodal acquisition protocol for tumors and organs at risks delineation and synthetic CT reconstruction based on a density assignment method. Our results showed better contrast between the tumor and healthy tissues with injected T1 MRI compared to injected CT (44,7 +/- 30,5 vs 29,9 +/- 27,2) and acceptable geometric distortions (less than 2mm). Fat content mean absolute error between CT and synthetic CT is about 0,27.

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