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Abstract #1788

Signal intensity form of extended Tofts model for quantitative analysis of dynamic contrast enhanced MRI data

Xiaobing Fan1, Aritrick Chatterjee1, Zhen Ren1, Aytekin Oto1, and Gregory S. Karczmar1
1Radiology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States


Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, CancerThe extended Tofts model (ETM) requires calculation of contrast agent concentration in tissue as function of time (C(t)) using a non-linear model that results in error propagation. Here, we introduce a signal intensity (S(t)) form of ETM (SI-ETM) without calculating C(t). QIBA DCE-MRI data was used to validate the SI-ETM, and then human prostate DCE-MRI data were analyzed to compare physiological parameters calculated from the ETM and the SI-ETM. The parameters calculated from S(t) were strongly correlated with the values calculated from C(t). Bland–Altman analysis showed good agreement between the parameters calculated from the ETM and the SI-ETM.

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