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Abstract #2193

The diagnostic value of synthetic MRI in predicting the activity of Graves ophthalmopathy

Luxi Yang1, Wenhua Wang1, Yunwen Chen1, Miaoqi Zhang2, Lisha Nie 2, Xiao Zhang1, and Zhihua Pan1
1416 Hospital of Nuclear Industry, Chengdu, China, 2GE Healthcare, MR Research, Beijing, China


Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Head & Neck/ENTIn this study, we aim to investigate the performance of quantitative measurements from synthetic MRI in predicting the disease activity of Graves’ ophthalmopathy (GO). 40 patients with different Clinical Activity Scores are investigated. We found a trend that the muscles’ T1, T2 and PD values increased with increasing CAS level, spatially for T2 values. Furthermore, fact that T2 escalation in ‘inactive’ CAS groups compared with healthy controls, indicate CAS staging may underestimate disease activity. We conclude that synthetic MRI have potential to predict clinical activity of GO, and T2 value has the highest diagnostic efficiency.

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