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Abstract #2205

Phase-based T2 mapping using dual phase-cycled balanced SSFP imaging

Merijn Berendsen1, Maša Bozic-Iven1,2, Joao Tourais1, Chiara Coletti1, Ingo Hermann1,2, and Sebastian Weingärtner1
1Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Delft, Netherlands, 2Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany


Keywords: Pulse Sequence Design, Pulse Sequence DesignPhased-based techniques have shown promise for scan time efficient quantification of T2 relaxation times. However, previously proposed methods use an unbalanced Gradient Echo approach, which shows residual sensitivity to B1+ and T1 changes. In this work, a dual phase-cycled balanced SSFP approach is proposed. Simulations and phantom measurements show its resilience against field inhomogeneities. Excellent agreement between phase values was obtained in phantom and simulations. Initial phantom acquisitions at 3T yield T2 maps with visually high map quality and close agreement to a spin-echo reference. Future evaluation of in vivo robustness and inter- and intra-subject repeatability is warranted.

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