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Abstract #2388

Diffusion-Weighted Half-Fourier Acquisition Single-Shot Turbo Spin-Echo (HASTE) Imaging with improved sensitivity

Aidin Arbabi1, Vitaliy Khlebnikov1, Jose P. Marques1, and David. G. Norris1
1Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands


Keywords: Pulse Sequence Design, BrainHalf-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo diffusion-weighted is a clinically established magnetic resonance imaging tool for the detection of small lesions, particularly cholesteatoma. However, in the standard approach, half of the available signal is sacrificed through displacing one echo parity out of the acquisition window to fulfill the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill condition. We present a selective parity approach to tackle this problem. The proposed method features a near full sensitivity, a low specific absorption rate for long echo trains, and more than two-fold increase in signal-to-noise ratio, compared to the manufacturer's method under the same conditions.

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