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Abstract #2410

GPU-accelerated JEMRIS for extensive MRI simulations.

Aizada Nurdinova1,2, Stefan Ruschke2, Jonathan Stelter2, Michael Gestrich3, and Dimitrios Karampinos2
1Biomedical Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, School of Medicine, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 3Altair Engineering GmbH, Boeblingen, Germany


Keywords: Simulations, Software Tools

Bloch simulations is a powerful tool in MRI research and education as it allows predicting the signal evolutions in magnetic resonance experiments for various applications. However, Bloch simulations require solving ordinary differential equations for the whole spin ensemble and can thus become infeasible for realistic scenarios with large total number of spins. Therefore, the present work investigates the potential of a GPU-based implementation for accelerated Bloch simulations as an extension to the open source Juelich Extensible MRI Simulator (JEMRIS) in comparison to the existing MPI CPU implementation.

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