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Abstract #2566

Synthetic high-b-value reduced field-of-view DWIs in breast cancer elevates lesion clarity and CNR

Qianqian Feng1, Weiyin Vivian Liu2, Ling Sang1, Kejun Wang1, Xingyao Yu1, Wen Chen1, and Lin Xu1
1Department of Radiology,Taihe hospital, Hubei, China, 2GE Healthcare, MR Research, Beijing, China


Keywords: Breast, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniquesOur study showed synthetic DW images (syDWIs) with high b-value provided better lesion conspicuity, image quality and contrast to noise (CNR), reduce scan time of DWI acquisitions especially at very high b-value, and improved lesion visualization particularly in dense breast. Moreover, derived ADC values showed good consistency between scanned and synthetic DWIs. Therefore, syDWIs with b value of 800 s/mm2 have great potential in elevation of diagnosis confidence and efficacy on tumors and high repeatability of ADC values is helpful in replacement of scanned high-b-value DWIs in clinics despite existed intra-modality, but not inter-modality, difference of manual ROI measures.

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