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Abstract #2571

Comparing the Repeatability of Cerebrovascular Reserve Measured by PET and ASL using Simultaneous PET/MRI

Moss Y Zhao1, Audrey P Fan2, Mohammad Mehdi Khalighi1, Dawn Holley1, Kim Halbert1, Maria Jovin1, Bin Shen1, Guido A Davidzon1, Elizabeth Tong1, Michael Moseley1, and Greg Zaharchuk1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California Davis, Davis, CA, United States


Keywords: Arterial spin labelling, PerfusionCerebrovascular reserve (CVR) is an important biomarker to assess vascular hemodynamics and link to the risk for acute strokes. Whilst several imaging modalities have been applied to measure CVR, their reproducibility remains to be elucidated. Here we compare the reproducibility of CVR measurements in 22 normal subjects between single and multi-delay ASL using 15O-water PET as the reference. Results implied that multi-delay ASL achieved a higher reproducibility and should be the preferred non-invasive modality for clinical applications.

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