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Abstract #2710

Benchmarking local low rank denoising methods for task-based fMRI data analysis

Pierre-Antoine Comby1, Zaineb Amor1, Alexandre Vignaud1, and Philippe Ciuciu1
1Neurospin (CEA), Gif-sur-Yvette, France


Keywords: Data Processing, fMRI (task based), Denoising, Benchmak

Local-low-rank denoising in task-based fMRI increases sensitivity to statistical detection of neural activity, without harming specificity.

We compared 5 methods (NORDIC, MP-PCA, Hybrid-PCA, Optimal-Threshold, Hybrid-OT) in 4 preprocessing configuration (denoising on magnitude/complex data, before/after motion correction) and their effect on downstream analysis. For best performance, the denoising shoud be done prior to motion correction, and using complex-valued data is only valuable in some settings.

In average (n=6), up to 8 times more activations can be detected (p < 0.05, controlling for FDR). We also provide open-source implementations for broader use of Local-Low-Rank denoising methods in fMRI.

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