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Abstract #2751

Dedicated ICTGV-regularized Reconstruction for time-encoded ASL

Ingmar S. Sorgenfrei1, Koen Baas2, Stefan Spann1, Martin Uecker1, and Rudolf Stollberger1
1Institute of Biomedical Imaging, TU Graz, Graz, Austria, 2Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands


Keywords: Arterial spin labelling, BrainTime-encoded Arterial Spin Labeling (teASL) enables time-efficient acquisition of multiple averages of multiple post-labeling-delay (PLD) perfusion-weighted images (PWIs). We developed a dedicated teASL reconstruction that employs Infimal Convolution of Total Generalized Variation (ICTGV) regularization directly on the PWIs. Using simulated and healthy volunteer data, the ICTGV reconstruction produced inherently denoised images and improved cerebral blood flow and arterial transit time maps compared to a SENSE reconstruction. Also, for an 8-fold accelerated in-vivo dataset, the ICTGV reconstruction still produced reasonable PWIs, which the SENSE reconstruction could not. Therefore, ICTGV reconstruction is promising for teASL and allows high acceleration with inherent denoising.

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