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Abstract #3101

B0 Inhomogeneity Distortion Corrected Image Reconstruction with Deep Learning on An Open Bore MRI-Linac

Shanshan Shan1,2, Yang Gao3,4, Meng Ma5, Hongping Gan5, David Waddington2, Brendan Whelan2, Paul Liu2, Chunyi Liu1, Mingyuan Gao1, and Feng Liu4
1Center for Molecular Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, State Key Laboratory of Radiation Medicine and Protection,School for Radiological and Interdisciplinary Sciences (RAD-X), Soochow University, Suzhou, China, 2ACRF Image X Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 3School of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China, 4School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 5School of Software, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Suzhou, China


Keywords: Image Reconstruction, BrainMRI-Linac systems require real-time anatomical images with high geometric fidelity to localize and track tumours during radiotherapy treatments. Image distortions caused by B0 field inhomogeneity and slow MR acquisition hinder the application of real-time MRI-guided radiotherapy. Here, we develop and investigate a deep learning-based reconstruction pipeline to reconstruct B0 inhomogeneity distortion-corrected images (B0ReconNet) directly from k-space. MR acceleration techniques such as compressed sensing (CS) were integrated into B0ReconNet to further reduce acquisition time. Simulated and experimental data with fully sampled and retrospectively subsampled acquisitions on a 1T open bore MRI-Linac were used to validate the proposed method.

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