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Abstract #3235

Association of MR image quality measures with diagnostic accuracy and inter-reader agreement of PI-RADS for detection of prostate cancer

Pranav Sompalle1, Ansh Roge1, Michael Sobota1, Amogh Hiremath2, Sree Harsha Tirumani3, Leonardo Kayat Bittencourt3, Ryan Ward4, Justin Ream4, Andrei Purysko4, Anant Madabhushi5, Satish Viswanath1, and Rakesh Shiradkar5
1Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 3University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, United States, 4Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, United States, 5Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States


Keywords: Data Processing, Data Processing, Image processing

Radiologists’ ability to detect clinically-significant prostate cancer on MRI is affected by image quality. While subjective guidelines are provided by the prostate imaging reporting and data system (PI-RADS) and other recent methods, there is a need to develop objective and quantitative metrics of MRI quality. In this multi-reader study, we derive MRI quality metrics using an image processing-based open-source software tool and evaluate their association with radiologist-assigned PI-RADS scores to detect clinically-significant prostate cancer (csPCa). We observe that higher quality MRI is associated with improved detection of csPCa on MRI.

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