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Abstract #3298

Increasing sampling efficiency using Yarnball sampling in 3D fast spin echo with long echo trains – TurboYarn

Jeff Snyder1, Alan H. Wilman1, and Rob Stobbe1
1Biomedical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada


Keywords: Pulse Sequence Design, BrainAn efficient k-space sampling strategy using 3D Yarnball was used in long echo train FSE (TurboYarn). As TurboYarn samples many lines worth of k-space in each readout, fully sampled isotropic 1 mm brain scans were acquired in 40 s. TurboYarn was compared to a time-equivalent, 4x under-sampled 3D FSE sequence in brain of three healthy subjects. Resulting images showed excellent GM/WM contrast for TurboYarn, with CNRs higher than 3D FSE. As each readout samples k-space centre, further work will investigate TurboYarn motion robustness, with additional SNR improvements via trajectory and flip angle train optimizations.

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