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Abstract #3473

Inter-scanner consistency of T1 map and proton spin density map derived from strategically acquired gradient echo (STAGE) imaging

Yasutaka Fushimi1, Satoshi Nakajima1, Sachi Okuchi1, Akihiko Sakata1, Takuya Hinoda1, Sayo Otani1, Azusa Sakurama1, Krishna Pandu Wicaksono1, Hiroshi Tagawa1, Yang Wang1, Satoshi Ikeda1, Shuichi Ito1, Miyuki Takiya1, and Yuji Nakamoto1
1Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan


Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, BrainRecently, strategically acquired gradient echo (STAGE) imaging has been developed as a potential standardized brain imaging protocol. STAGE is designed to use two 3D fully flow compensated multi-echo SWI sequences with 2 different flip angles (FAs). We evaluated the inter-scanner consistency of T1 values and proton spin density (PSD) values derived from STAGE imaging for elderly healthy volunteers. We conducted VOI analysis both in Native space and “Mutual space” using AAL3 VOIs. Parcellation was automatically performed with few manipulations, and good ICC and minimal biases were demonstrated between the two scanners.

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