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Abstract #3580

Mapping brain development : An ex vivo multi-contrast MRI study on the ferret

Laura Mouton1, Anthony Ruze1, Romain Valabrègue1, Jean-Baptiste Pérot1, Lucas Soustelle2, Vaibhav Sahu3, Katja Heuer3, Stéphane Lehéricy1, Roberto Toro3, and Mathieu D. Santin1
1Institut du Cerveau (ICM) - Paris Brain Institute, Inserm U 1127, CNRS UMR 7225, Sorbonne Université, Center for Neuroimaging research (CENIR), Paris, France, 2Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, CRMBM, Marseille, France, 3Institut Pasteur, Université de Paris, Département de neuroscience, Paris, France


Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Ex-Vivo Applications, Multi-ContrastBrain development during the first weeks after birth in ferrets is similar to the one in the last trimester pregnancy in humans. Studying the ferret brain could thus provide insights about brain development and the underlying processes. We used a multi-contrast MRI approach combining diffusion-weighted and quantitative MRI at 11.7T to investigate normal brain development in the ex vivo ferret brain. We were able to reconstruct fiber tracts even at a very early stage and assess their myelination level based on macromolecular fraction values. Combining diffusion-weighted with quantitative MRI is thus an interesting imaging approach to study normal brain development.

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