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Abstract #3656

Digital Twinning of Aortae from 2D+time MRI

Gloria Wolkerstorfer1, Stefano Buoso1, and Sebastian Kozerke1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland


Keywords: Flow, Data Analysis, Aorta; Shape modelling; Shape reconstruction; Image-based shape reconstruction; Aortic shape reconstruction

We propose an automatic pipeline to generate digital twin aortae from 2D+time MRI slices. First, a statistical shape model is fitted to the segmentation of 2D slices over time and then local refinements are applied to closely match dynamics over time. The approach is exemplified on a dataset of 10 aortic stenosis patients on which we quantify the impact of the number of available slices on the reconstructed anatomy.

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