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Abstract #3839

Dynamic analysis of resting-state brain fMRI signal from a novel perspective: Avalanche

Junlin Guo1, Nazirah Mohd Khairi1, Lyuan Xu1,2, and Don Mitchell Wilkes1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, United States


Keywords: fMRI (resting state), Brain, SpatiotemporalThe human brain, at rest, is complex and many functional studies focus on the brain patterns around criticality. This work addresses a novel perspective, the avalanche, in resting-state fMRI. In this work, we design two data-driven signal modeling approaches that dynamically measure and visualize the signal entropy from both spatial and temporal aspects. The first approach applies a clustering-based scheme with the Markov chain. The second method utilizes the autoregressive model with a sliding window. The results show a consistent, less complex pattern at the avalanche state, from which the interpretation of the brain can be clearer than at criticality.

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