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Abstract #3924

Metabolic Activity Diffusion Imaging [MADI] of Rat Brain Glioma

Joshua Schlegel1, Eric Baker1, Samantha Holland2, Jared Stoller3, William Packwood4, Xin Li1, Ramon Barajas3, Charles Springer1, and Martin Pike1
1AIRC, OHSU, Portland, OR, United States, 2Neurology, OHSU, Portland, OR, United States, 3Diagnostic Radiology, OHSU, Portland, OR, United States, 4Research Cores and Shared Resources, OHSU, Portland, OR, United States


Keywords: Molecular Imaging, Metabolism, Cancer

We compared the novel DWI MRI-based metabolic activity [MA] imaging approach [MADI] to 18FDG-PET, employing an in vivo rat glioma model. The MADI-derived parameter, kio*V product, is proportional to Na+/K+ ATPase [NKA] activity, the primary cellular energy consumer. The kioV decreased within the tumor vs. contralateral while 18FDG uptake increased. This is consistent with the Warburg effect in glioma, which activates glucose uptake but also switches energy production from mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis, thus reducing overall ATP production and NKA activity. MADI expands DWI MRI utility, providing a novel, noninvasive MA imaging method, with greater resolution than PET.

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