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Abstract #3939

31P MRSI coil combination using 23Na sensitivity information acquired with the same loop array at 7T: preliminary verification

Jiying Dai1,2, Mark Gosselink1, Alexander J. E. Raaijmakers1,3, and Dennis W. J. Klomp1
1UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Tesla Dynamic Coils B.V., Zaltbommel, Netherlands, 3Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands


Keywords: Image Reconstruction, SpectroscopyWe utilized a quintuple-tuned RF head coil array by using the high-SNR 23Na signals from the brain to optimize the weighting for combining signals from the same coil array elements for the low-concentrated 31P metabolites. 23Na-weighted Roemer combination of 31P MRSI signals is verified on EM simulations and MR experiments. Comparing to 31P self-weighted combination, 23Na-weighted combination shows higher SNR and better-combined spectra in regions with low intrinsic SNR. It also shows potential of mitigating the signal contaminations when using 31P-self-weights for 31P data acquired with large voxels.

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